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Autism Awareness Month: Meet Elodie

In celebration #AutismAwarenessDay we thought we'd join in on #AmbassadorsForAutism

For the month of April, we'll be showcasing some of our amazing autism community here at IDSS...

Meet Elodie, an IDSS participant on the Sunshine Coast. (She's a little camera shy & convinced her mentor, Adam, to join in on the photo). Elodie, 36, has been with us since the end of 2020 and we've loved watching her grow over the past few years.

Elodie loves ANYTHING to do with Marvel & Pop Culture. She's a huge lover of animals, and volunteers at an animal shelter in Noosa. She loves the outdoors and extreme activities, and doesn't mind a bit of video-gaming as well...

So what makes her…her? Elodie is her kindness towards other people. She is her enthusiasm and ability to build relationships with people and her endless love for animals.

What does she love most about IDSS?

"The opportunity to work in the Winky Wonky Dog Wash." Elodie loves dogs and sometimes finds them much kinder than humans (don't we all?!). She loves being surrounded by them, while having the opportunity to earn money to pay for her hobbies; like Vinyl Collecting.

We're lucky to know you, Elodie.



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